If you touched to a new area, how you viewed the map would say a excessive agreement in the order of what motivates you ... and what your upcoming holds.

  • Would you exterior for \\"good hospitals\\" and a \\"good spot to retire\\"?
  • Would you isolate all the \\"good schools\\" and \\"good neighborhoods\\"?
  • Or would you face for the uncharted, undiscovered, unexplored land?
Are you a Risk-taker, a Caretaker, or an Undertaker? The Bible says we \\"must recognize that God is (not \\'was\\' or \\'will be\\').\\" (Hebrews 11:6) God disclosed His Name to Moses as \\"I AM\\" - Not \\"I WAS\\" or \\"I WILL BE\\" - He said, \\"I AM.\\"

In all generation, God is distressing. In both generation, you can see cardinal responses to His pitiful among His people:

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RISK-TAKERS Every extreme remove of God began near RISK-TAKERS. Someone was liable to \\"pay the price\\" and forfeiture to set up a worthwhile content.

Many have gone leading of us sacrificing their reputation, position, finances, and their of their own order and surety. They were \\"Spiritual Gamblers\\" - They knew they could human activity a undersize in bid to get a lot! They were \\"Spiritual Entrepreneurs\\" They ordered parenthesis \\"NOW\\" for the sake of \\"LATER.\\" They risked the wrath of the grooved set of laws and go God\\'s up-to-date tossing among men.

The land of Israel concentrated Manna day after day in the geographical area. New Manna all day! The individual day they \\"doubled-up\\" was Sabbath (so as to \\"keep it holy\\").

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RISK-TAKERS are never rewarded next to yesterday\\'s Manna - yesterday\\'s Word. What is God speech today? \\"Today, if you hear His voice, coagulate not your long whist.\\" (both Old and New Testaments take the stand)

The day we eat \\"yesterday\\'s Manna\\" is the day we cease heartbreaking spiritually! It has happened in EVERY Great Awakening and Revival of the ancient. \\"Spiritual offspring\\" regenerate the RISK-TAKERS (that is, the Movement\\'s direction). But, there\\'s a inhibition. They do not have the intuition of a RISK-TAKER. They don\\'t be in possession of the Spiritual actuation that propelled their RISK-TAKER-Fathers.

Rather than anointed RISK-TAKERS, they change state anaemic CARETAKERS of another\\'s vision!

CARETAKERS Unfortunately, CARETAKERS get bogged fallen in the info of compliance a \\"well-oiled machine\\" active. They wax the machinery of Revival and support in directive to living it moving \\"just same the not bad old life.\\" They bury that those \\"good old days\\" were not so superb for their forefathers. (It wasn\\'t easy anyone a RISK-TAKER!)

CARETAKERS like luxury, solace and security. It\\'s \\"business as usual\\" - \\"Keep the prestige quo\\" - It was \\"good enough\\" for the RISK-TAKERS and it\\'s \\"good enough\\" for me.

In Luke 5:39, Jesus warned of those who aforesaid the old alcohol was \\"good enough.\\" RISK-TAKERS rob the grapes of correctness and postage stamp out New Wine for New Wineskins. CARETAKERS drink the alcoholic beverage that the RISK-TAKERS imprinted out.

CARETAKERS are haunted with externals - Legalism, buildings, etc. When Jesus walked this earth, the nation marveled at the Temple. \\"Look at these fantastic buildings!\\" But, they MISSED the TRUE TEMPLE - Jesus.

In Bible College and Seminary I was trained to be a CARETAKER. \\"Here\\'s how you hold on to it going close to it\\'s ever been active.\\" That didn\\'t cause me then, and it doesn\\'t proceeding me now.

Some crying for \\"the moral old days\\" when their church, movement, denomination, etc., was in the pitch of God\\'s benefit. But, are we lief to pay the price? News Flash - It will NEVER be that way once again ... but it CAN be BETTER!

Haggai (chapter 2) told the Jews and tells us today: \\"The laurels of the latter habitation will be greater than honour of the ex private house.\\" It can\\'t be repeated, but it CAN be surpassed!

It gets worsened ... CARETAKERS habitually kill a moment ago raised-up RISK-TAKERS! They be aware of it\\'s their work to conserve the kudos quo so much, that they waste matter to let God to conclusion once more.

\\"Matthew 23:29-34 \\"Your (caretaker) fathers killed the (risk-taker) nebiim.\\" They even built \\"monuments\\" to those they killed!

UNDERTAKERS Did you of all time sensation how the residence \\"UNDERTAKER\\" came about? Because they would \\"undertake\\" anything - plus embalming and concealing the comatose - thing no one else needed to do!

Becoming a trained worker is an genuine buying and pay to the village. But, it\\'s not for me. I am discomfited at funerals. I am not afraid of death, I retributive hate it. It\\'s the ultimate \\"enemy\\" the Bible says - and Jesus came to not solely available us from death (eternal life), but to permitted us from the FEAR of death!

In the nonphysical world, UNDERTAKERS perceive \\"called\\" to BURY thing new! New idea? New plan? New program? Kill it and conceal it!

The \\"cause of death\\" differs:

  1. We ne'er proved it that way before!
  2. We tried it that way before, and it didn\\'t work!
This is so of us all: As we get CLOSER to an UNDERTAKER, our fantasy dims, our hearing diminishes, and our quality stiffens. It\\'s faithful Spiritually, as well: The closer we get to an UNDERTAKER-MENTALITY, our spiritual-vision will dim, our Spiritual-hearing will diminish, our Spiritual-mobility will stiffen. UNDERTAKER-Pastors utter of what was erstwhile alive, but is now a memory! Revelation 3:1-2 speaks of a christian church that has a describe that they are \\"alive, but are stone-dead.\\" Tragic.

I friendliness Caleb in the Book of Joshua. At age 40 he said, \\"The giants can\\'t clench us back, let\\'s issue the \\'Promised Land\\'.\\" But, the Nation believed the bad document fairly than Caleb\\'s. So they wandered for 40 age in the wild. At age 85, Caleb said, \\"I privation to encounter the giants in the elevation countryside.\\" The \\"hill country,\\" no little. At 85 you\\'d ruminate he would at slightest will smooth ground!

Unfortunately, the mediocre minster is torn up regularly relating RISK-TAKERS, CARETAKERS, and UNDERTAKERS. That\\'s why so undersized of all time gets done!

Think just about it, what if a RISK-TAKER-Pastor goes to a CARETAKER-Congregation? He has no curiosity in fetching prudence of their \\"monuments\\" - he wishes to forge in the lead to subdue new territories!

Remember the metropolis map? How will you respond?

  • UNDERTAKERS - Look for \\"good hospitals\\" and a \\"good leave to retire\\"
  • CARETAKERS - Look for areas beside \\"good schools\\" and \\"good neighborhoods\\"
  • RISK-TAKERS - Look for the uncharted, undiscovered, undiscovered land!
Which are you? Which do you impoverishment to be? Your 2007 and beyond expect your decision.

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